Thank you so much for your generous support. I'm so grateful for the chance to make meaningful, gospel-centered music. I couldn't do it without you.

Thank you.

a new Record

making progress

Last year, I released two singles that represent two sides of my songwriting.

On one side, O How the Grace of God Amazes Me reminds me of the great privilege it is to serve as one of the pastors in my local church and lead music every Sunday. I'm regularly encouraged by the community of our church family. As with this tune, I often get the chance to write and adapt congregational songs for us and the church to sing together.

On the other side, Grateful represents the majority of my songwriting: more personal storytelling of my own journey through the mountains and valleys of following Jesus. Over the past few years, I've been writing songs that fall all over the map in between those two kinds of songs, but especially songs from the valley. All along the way, I've been trying to figure out...what story are these songs telling? What kind of record do I need to make next?

Eyes Renewed

Earlier this year, I was out walking around with Daisy (our golden retriever) and looked up at the night sky. I had seen the same stars weeks earlier, shining bright above a cabin in west TX, but that night, all I could see was Orion's belt blinking faintly behind five jet planes in the light-polluted sky.

I was struck by how quick I am to assume that the problem is somewhere out there in the circumstances. Of course, that may sometimes be true. But that night, I thought about God's covenant with Abraham when he was looking at the stars, and I realized that though he probably saw more stars than me that night, the promise was the same. The problem in that moment wasn't so much the planes or the light pollution or the apartment complex; it was in me, my own heart and my eyes. I typed these lyrics out...

O God, what good's a cloudless sky in Canaan
To Abraham's clouded heart?
When the stars just can't avoid
The clouds of idols and the void
Help me see them as you do
Eyes renewed

A new song quickly followed that helped me see connections between these personal valley-songs and the songs of faith we sing at my church. I began to realize that I didn't need to (and didn't want to) make music from just one part of me, but I wanna be one today, centered and true (thanks Jon Foreman). Even when obscured by the light pollution of hardship and disappointment, I want a faith that sees the persevering goodness of God in each time, place, and season. I want eyes renewed.

With my old friend Paul Demer + my new friend and fellow church member Sam Bowman at the helm on recording/co-producing, I've already made great progress on this record. If you're familiar with my music from recent live shows or Patreon over the past year, you'll recognize several of the tunes that I'm planning to include on the record: When I Am Afraid (Psalm 56), Theseus in Oklahoma, By Grace (Ephesians 2), and several others.

I was able to release The Story's Still Alive and Good News, Great Joy within a relatively short time because of the generosity of many supporters across two Kickstarter campaigns. After creating a support community on Patreon, I decided to try a different approach for funding Eyes Renewed. Making music (like all of our jobs, business, and lives) has only gotten more expensive. And sadly, while streaming makes for great accessibility of music, it continues to be a small, unreliable source for making new music.

In the meantime, I've enjoyed the more personal and regular rhythm of Patreon. I'd love to add even more to this sweet community where I share new songs, videos, and behind-the-scenes updates. Lord willing, through new monthly and one-time supporters, I hope to meet my budget of $16k pledged or given by the end of July. That will enable me to finish recording, send the rest of the songs to mix and master, and prepare for public release in the coming year. Along the way, Patrons and supporters will get early access and opportunities to listen to the record as it's being made.

© 2024 Graham Jones